February 13, 2025


The technology folks

How to Update Student Spreadsheets


You make a copy of a spreadsheet per student, but what if you have a typo or want to add to the spreadsheet? sheetPusher by Alice Keeler and Heather Lyon helps you update student spreadsheets. Here is how to update student spreadsheets.


sheetPusher is an Add-on for Google Sheets that lets you design a graphic organizer and push out a copy to each student. Unlike Google Classroom, you are the owner of these spreadsheets. That means you can lock certain sections of the spreadsheet from editing by the student if you need to.

Make Updates

Copies are copies. When you make a copy of something in Google Classroom and you later want to make updates, you can not do this easily. The student copies are not connected to your original.

sheetPusher allows you to make updates and push those updates to the student copies.


  1. Install sheetPusher Add-on
  2. In a Google Sheets™ spreadsheet design a graphic organizer.
  3. Use the Extensions menu to select sheetPusher and show the sidebar
  4. Select to setup your sheet
  5. The first sheet MUST be a roster of your students and their email addresses.
  6. Use the sidebar to push a copy to each student. The links to the copies are listed on the spreadsheet.
    TIP: Go to Google Drive and drag all of the spreadsheets into a folder.
  7. sheetPusher attempted to share the spreadsheets with the students. They can find their copy in Google Drive.
    TIP: You can share the spreadsheet with the list of links with students. They would not have access to open other student spreadsheets.
  8. Students will work on their graphic organizer.
  9. Make updates to your graphic organizer. Be it fixing typos or adding additional elements.
  10. HIGHLIGHT what you changed. ONLY what you highlight will be pushed out as updates to student sheets.
  11. Use the sheetPusher sidebar to push updates.
  12. Premium feature: PULL student sheets. This option makes a COPY of the student tab and pulls them together into a new spreadsheet. You can find this merged spreadsheet in Google Drive.

Reverse TemplateTab

One of my favorite things is TemplateTab. This copies a graphic organizer per student within the same spreadsheet. Students are given edit access to the spreadsheet. This allows for many collaboration opportunities or simply fewer files for me to open. However, it is not always practical to have all the students in the same spreadsheet.

sheetPusher is reverse TemplateTab… sort of 🙂 Each student’s individual work is able to be pulled into one spreadsheet.

Use SheetPusher

Heather Lyon and I designed sheetPusher to allow for students to track their own data. Since students are rarely given a complete list of all the assignments or standards at the beginning of the semester we needed a way for the list to be updated for each student.

While students tracking their progress was our original idea for sheetPusher there are so many uses!


How many times have you made a copy per student only to realize you had a typo. It is embarrassing and frankly, it can be stressful. Using sheetPusher you can correct the typo on your original. Highlight the cell(s) and push out updates to student spreadsheets and they are none the wiser.

Premium Features

I am adding additional features to my Marketplace Add-ons exclusively for premium members. Use the weekly passcode to access these features in my Add-ons. Premium membership provides you with access to support on resources as well as an opportunity to influence features.

Want More Help with This? Become a Premium Member

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