If life is a ship, then changes are its waters. It is a constant conflict between change and comfort. We want things to stay the same but rarely does it happen. Relations form; relations break. Links form; links break. Link building takes place, and then it falls. And then we fix this broken link building. But sometimes we do it the wrong way and it yields us nothing but loss. This is where, Digital White Labels, best Link Building Services come helpful. If you do not want to take this technical hassle over your head, check this out – https://digitalwhitelabels.com/services/seo/ .
If you want to know what broken link building is and how to do it by yourself, then read further.
What is Broken Link Building and how to do it the right way!
Ever clicked a link on the internet and seen the error 404 (that the page does not exist)?
We create backlinks in an attempt to create a network of quality websites and thus to get ranked higher in SERP. But sometimes errors happen and pages get broken. This leads that link to go useless and obsolete. The benefit is to make use of that link again by replacing with another link. We call this practice Broken Link Building. But why do we need to retreat broken backlinks? Can’t we just leave them there in a broken state?
Why is broken link building necessary?
Consider it through an example. Suppose you have a suspension bridge. In it the large cables are attached to several points on pylons and roads. Now, consider these tension cables to be links. Imagine if one end of one cable gets rusty and weak and breaks off. Will you leave it like that or will you try replacing that node and fixing it off. The wisdom is in making use of that cable as far as it is there. This same thing happens in the case of the internet. If there is an outbound link on a page, and if the destination of that link is broken, then it must be replaced. But how do links get broken?
Many reasons behind why links break down!
You might be wondering that when links cost so much of time and effort to form, why do they fall obsolete? The reasons could be many. Here are a few examples where links can break down:
- The destination domain or website no longer exists.
- There was a change in the destination domain and no redirection was placed there.
- There was a mistake made in the URL when the link was getting placed.
- Some firewall is preventing users from accessing that page.
- Google has removed that page due to violations.
- There are security issues with the destination URL and the browser is preventing users from that.
Now, it comes down to how you must make use of broken links down there on various websites. You either can take help from, says Digital White Labels, best Link Building Services around you, or you can do it yourself.
How to do Broken Link Building the right way?
This field holds immense opportunities to help you upgrade your link building game. It is like there is unclaimed money lying in the bank account and all you have to do is to find it and request them to give it to you. Here is a step by step guide,
Start with finding the broken links out there!
You would not want to target websites that have nothing to do with you, even if there are thousands of dead links there for you to claim. What you would want is to make a list of websites that are in your niche.
You can use various tools for this. Some most famous tools are Ahrefs, Moz, Semrush.
Start with making a list of your competitors. Once you have made a list, you need to go to the backlink analysis tool given by these websites. What this tool will do is that it will tell you how many backlinks are these websites getting from other websites. Depending on the tool you are using, you have to filter the result with the errors you want. For example, if you enter a competitor’s domain for analysis, it will show you the number of backlinks the pages there are getting from other websites. Now filter it with broken links, which means that the pages which are getting links from other websites but no longer exist. Now, for the websites which are pointing or linking to these broken pages, you would want to approach them to replace the broken link with yours. How to do it?
Once you have found the broken URLs, you need to click on it, and it will open up a new tab that will show you all the websites that are pointing or linking to this broken page. If you have no idea about how to do it, says Digital White Labels best, Link Building Services around you can help you with the same.
Now, it is time to go for the next step.
Prepare a page that you will want to offer as a replacement.
This is the time to create content to replace that broken page. IF you already have an article or page that you think would be a great fit, then you need not worry. But if you think that there is no specific content, you need to create it. Why? Because you would not want to reach those possible websites with bad quality content. It will harm their reputation too.
Once you have created content that you think is good enough to replace that broken or dead URL, it is time to reach those websites that are pointing to that broken page to ask them to make a replacement.
Craft that dreamy outreach email and proceed.
Now, it is time to get the contact details of those websites you want to reach. Once you have their email addresses, it is time to craft an email. Make sure your email is humble and to the point, otherwise you might end up making a fool of yourself and all your efforts up till. Look for an example of great outreach emails and look for the one that best fits you. If possible, try offering them links in return.
This is all. Broken links are a great way to create link building and help the internet be a place where you are helping each other. It is bad when you click a link and find it broken. It breaks our hearts too.
If you find it harder for yourself, or you think that you do not have enough time to work on this link building, we suggest you check good link building agencies around you. Check https://digitalwhitelabels.com/services/seo/ for consideration. The good thing about them is that they have beautiful plans for all the different sorts of needs.
At last, if your own website has broken pages too, you would want to treat them as soon as possible otherwise your competitors might target them just as you would be doing through this process above.
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